Excellent docu-drama about 2 brothers in search of a foreign wife...
4 October 2004
1st watched 10/4/2004 - 8 out of 10(Dir-Helmut Schleppi): Excellent docu-drama about 2 brothers in search of a foreign wife to take care of them after their mother passes away. This is played out seriously and that's why it works. Both main actors do a great job with acting slightly off-kilter but keeping a straight face in this eccentric and unique story of their attempts to be loved. The older brother engages a foreign purchase-a-wife service disguised as a romantic getaway and their off to Russia in search of that special 'one.' It's obvious that both of these boys haven't been out of the nest much. One takes the search on in a business-like way(of course not attracting many women), and the younger gets a chance to be himself and and sew his wild oats and has a lot more choices because of this. A female reporter becomes involved in the story because she's doing a documentary and soon becomes a part of a triangle-type relationship. This is where the story is able to include documentary style footage that gives it that feel like this could really happen. This is definitely a catch and if you can find it at your local rental store give it a try, you won't be disappointed. And if you're like me, you'll want to watch it a second time just to make sure you 'get' everything that it's giving you.
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