Classic Film Noir Movie
1 October 2004
This is a good film noir movie that is compelling to watch and leaves you thinking. I watched this film first in my film studies class at college and i thought when it came on "oh no" black and white its going to be boring but the fact is that it wasn't, the incredible storyline alone is so interesting the actors especially Fred Mac Murray are excellent picking Mac Murray out in particular a slick cool insurance salesman who is a bit of a womanizer!!.

I did however think that they would have got away with that kind of murder, i really think it would have been hard to find out the exact details of that case and then find the murderer or murderers. The film on a whole reminds me of The Godfather or an old classic murder drama, the dark rooms the fast New York accent talk and the fascinating dress sense (not to mention the way Neff can light a match like that so slick)!!

Overall a very enjoyable film for anyone of any age, it will not offend anyone and is one classic that must be seen

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