Steel River Blues (2004– )
Breath of Fresh Air
24 September 2004
I hate British-made television as a rule; soaps really irritate me with their unrealistic plots and don't even get me started on the subject of period dramas and police shows like the Bill.

That said, however, Steel River Blues is the best new show on television for a long time. It's got just the right mix of drama, humour and realism as well as a great soundtrack and, although it's early days yet, it shows real promise.

Not only that but now there's finally a show that doesn't treat us "Northerners" as either hub-cap-stealing Liverpudlians (Brookside)or hot-pot-eating, pint-swigging seamstresses that need a 'Cockney Geeza' and his Footballer's-wives-esque wife and kids to make the street cool (the factory girls on Corrie - come on, you don't expect me to believe that everyone in London actually speaks like that, do you? I have been there once or twice!). Both of which are such clichés and so unrealistic I can't tell you! Thank heavens there's finally someone writing something set in the North of England who actually seems to have lived here for more than a few days!

Damn good television with by far the best soundtrack of any show I've seen in a long time!
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