Boring Film
25 September 2004
This is a terribly boring movie. This movie is a 75 minute monologue about GW Bush by Vernon Craig.

It is not news that the Bushes come from several old New England families. I did find it amusing that the genealogist Gary Boyd Roberts estimated that the Bushes are "related to more than half the country as 12th cousins or less". Other than this scary gem, there was very little in the way of new revelations about GW Bush.

Vernon Craig met GW once in 1968. At the meeting Bush was drunk and punched Vernon for being a name dropping ass. As much as I loathe GW Bush, I think he was right in this case.

The one redeeming point of this flick is that most of it is filmed on location throughout New England. It's not great photography, but it is more interesting than watching Vernon Craig sit in his chair.

I do agree with Vernon Craig's objections to and analysis of our current president, but bad film making detracts from these valid points.
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