Liberty Bound (2004)
I loved Christine's earthy involvement with her subject
1 June 2004
Christine Rose is relatively new at the documentary venue, and like all new projects, there are some rough edges to this piece. Having said that, and having seen Mike Ruppert's "Truth and Lies of 9/11" and Michael Moore's movies, I was very impressed with both her coverage of the issues she presented and the footage she was able to obtain. I considered myself very knowledgeable regarding the activities of the government and the images of the twin towers, etc. but Christine showed me things I had never seen and audio segments that I had never heard, some of which were quite frightening.

She has an "everyman" style to her film-making, which I enjoyed very much. She talked to real people, who had real, and in some cases, terrifying experiences, with our post 9/11 government. She seemed to be in the right place at the right time to obtain footage and audio that makes the audience question, "Could this happen to me?" And the answer is, yes, it could. Ms. Rose asks all the right questions to her interviewed guests, and gets some very real, and often disturbing answers. We are living in a world where a select few have taken on the task of controlling everyone else, because they think they know what's best for all the rest of us. This differs dramatically from what the founders of our country based this government on.

I feel that Christine Rose has given us a cold, hard look at where this country is headed if we don't raise our collective voices and speak our minds, letting the powers that be know that we do not agree with their vision of a subdued populace, obedient to the masters. Slavery was abolished well over a hundred years ago, it was a horrendous treatment of one race by members of another. Now it seems to be more of a class differentiation than a skin color that separates us, but the belief that one knows what's best for the other hasn't changed. I hope, as intelligent human beings we are not too late to shift this way of thinking, and take back what is the best part of this country, our true liberty.
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