If you like video games, you might like this misguided, vile, fake bad idea!
28 September 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Remember Wolfenstein? Remember the mindless fun of running helter skelter through a NAZI castle shooting everything that moved? Well here's a "documentary" using tragically real Afghanistan and the live suffering of long-manipulated/abused poor people as backdrop to someone's war-porn fantasy!

Does the camera stray from the clenched "journalist's" jaw to discover anything about this culture, who these people are, why they do what they do?

It's the real Afghanistan they're using, but we don't have time to waste on that, we've got to stick with the narrow story of an idiot who ignores everyone's advice and then feels real bad getting his new friends killed. Does the "journalist" ask a single probing question? Ahh, but he is the mystery man who asks no questions, only "moves forward" with grim determination. Yes, we slowly learn, the real people who are glimpsed interacting with our actor, like much of our real-world "intervention" over there, are but real-suffering cardboard props for cowboy bravado and sick little egos working out life's problems by killing folks -- just like the terrorists!

This film might be a good example of why the world hates America. Hell, I hate America after coming out of this lame-brained clueless turkey, so maybe it has its own genius, in a boring, shockingly manipulative, sacriligous sort of way (using Afghanistan's misery AND 9-11 victims as story gimmicks. Hmmm. Gutsy!)

At least I had the satisfaction of thinking that maybe the "hero" of this story got his just desserts, though I grew tired of waiting the two hours for him to recklessly run into more incoming fire and just die already. What is more clear is that every brown-skinned "buddy" around him dies for his unknown cause ("Dr. Jones, no -- eeeeyyyyiiii!"). Now, why did they swear their lives to follow the reckless Fratboy to the ends of the earth? And just what the hell was this shades/smokin' Rambo-wannabe after? Ahh, the grand justification for this stupidity is revealed at the very end, and I wouldn't spoil that for you. It justifies EVERYTHING. Well, actually, no. It just shows how egotistically pathetic the "message" is.

Play Wolfenstein instead and consider actually HELPING the poor, not just killing them. Anyone who actually experienced or knew 9-11 victims will absolutely want these guy's heads on a pike.
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