If ever there was proof that there is no God...
24 May 2004
I'll start with the good. Please note that the "good" doesn't actually have anything to do with the movie. The Chupacabra legend is a great idea, and like a few other reviewers, I'd hope that some day a good movie maker would utilize the legend of the Chupacabra good.

OK, that being said, everything in this movie made me want to rake my face with broken glass, just so that something fun would be going on while the movie played. First off, the acting is like something out of a high school media class project. I mean, adult film stars would watch this and say "whoa, does that suck!"

The editing is also horrible, whacking every "scare" scene so that they become confusing, FX-less messes. This movie is more badly slashed than the cast of a "Friday the 13th" movie.

Further adding to the confusion is the fact that within its running time of 85 minutes, we are introduced to so many characters, it's like we need a chart to keep track of them.

Then we get to the big ending, in which all the characters go to hunt this legendary beast, and somehow everyone ends up in a mine (that was on a treasure map). We don't learn what happens to most of the characters, and we find out that the Chupacabra is some sort of bad CG vampire thingy. That turns its victims into attack zombies...


Horrible- stay away from it.
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