Review of Dragon Head

Dragon Head (2003)
Who knew the apocalypse could be so boring?
29 March 2004
"Hey, I've just been to Uzbekistan and found lots of places that would make a great post-apocalypse location shoot! Lets do it!" A film that seemingly exists just to show off the geography, and has no story of interest (2 people escape from a train wreck in tunnel, on reaching the surface they discover the world is ended, nobody knows why, there are a few survivors struggling for existence etc etc), and no characters of interest (a couple of dull teenagers, a sprinkling of nut cases, only some twins who have been operated on to have their fear removed spark any interest).

Its hard to believe this is based on a manga: who would read such a dull comic? Nothing happens: at the end, it feels like it was just a feature-length first episode of a mini-series. So what about this geography? Well, yes, its definitely desolate, colorless, cold, post-apocalyptic. But 2 hours of looking at people stumbling through it? No thanks.
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