Pop Idol Extra (2001– )
Not As Bad As First Feared
2 November 2003
For reasons I wish not to go into I found myself watching POP IDOL EXTRA on ITV 2 and expected to detest every moment of it , but it wasn`t as bad an ordeal as I expected , in fact if you watch the editions recorded during the auditions it`s no ordeal at all because they centre around the hopeless cases like " Dr Spod " , " The Stalker " and self styled sex god and all round entertainer Brendan Kilkenny . Of course after that the show gets very patchy but I did find last nights show side splitting in a completely unintentional way , you know how the show is all about pretty boys and pretty girls singing songs someone else wrote ? Well on a feature about Brian and Mark the two losing contestants voted off we were shown a montage of their time on POP IDOL and the soundtrack used was Voodoo Chile by Jimi Hendrix ! , a show featuring manufactured singers uses a track by a music legend called Jimi Hendrix . I`ll let you work out the meaning of the word irony . It goes without saying a certain guitarist must be turning in his grave right now
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