Open Water (2003)
Blair witch at sea... with teeth
12 September 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I have to admit to having been worried that this would be a case of "they got a bit nervous but nothing happened". I have to report without wishing to do any spoilers, that something did happen.

It looks like they filmed 20-25 minutes of likable (despite photography that seemed to be trying to hard to be clever) travelogue, and a certain amount (not saying how much to avoid spoiling it) of conclusion, and the odd shot or two else, and then went to see with some meat and some cameras. I do get the feeling like blair witch that a lot of it was improvised and genuine reactions rather than scripted.

Having said that, I have to report that by the time this shortish film reached the hour mark I had found it so harrowing that I had basically had enough and wanted a boat to turn up and rescue them. As to whether it did, you'll have to go and see.

So what was the problem? Well usually a film has to have some sort of climax, the ending of which relieves the tension and resolves the situation. If you think of three possible endings, they both get rescued, one does, or neither do, none of them really offer a way of doing that. Sure, two of them could be very gory, but even that wouldn't be a climax as such.

So at the end whichever ending it is, it's really inevitable that the audience would be left with a feeling as the credits started to roll, of, oh, is that it? and at the screening I went to, they palpably did feel that.

My advice is, go see it, if you can enjoy it while it lasts and not worry about how it ends. If you like lots of fireworks and a big climax at the end of your films, this might not be the right film for you.
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