Open Water (2003)
28 August 2004
I was very interested in seeing this film. Unfortunately I found watching it taxing. I was thinking jaws meets the blair witch and was very disappointed. The actors were annoying, I had a hard time having sympathy for them. The sharks took too long to show up and when they did, you really didn't see that much, the full on underwater shots of the sharks were well done but only a few and it was obvious that these sharks were no where near the actors. I admire that the actors got into the water with their "co-stars" but I didn't like the film. The storyboard with the large dorsel fin is very misleading. The biggest problem is I didn't care about these characters, I wanted the sharks to show up so the movie would be over. It was a horrible thing that happened to the Lonegrans, the people whose story the movie is based upon, but the only thing I found horrifying in this movie is that I paid to see it.
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