Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow (I) (2004 Video Game)
Another great series in Splinter Cell. This time, improvements has been made in the game. Here's my Review.
12 September 2004
Part 2 of Sam Fisher in Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow. This game makes you think and gives you a lot of options. This game is base on stealth and thinking before you make your move. Nothing has changed in this game and that's good because I like to take my time. Timing is the key in playing this game because one false move and it's mission over.

The levels has increased to 32 and each level has a certain feel to it. The storyline has changed also. This time your fighting a terrorist group called the Indonesian Guerrilla and the person in charge is Suhadi Sadono. The object of the game is to stop him at all cost if you want to survive.

What's in the game?

The game has a very good basic move system that allows you to move freely without being detected. But the only way you can do this is by playing the first game and practice to get the right feel because the controls are almost the same, but with more realism. Of course we know the basic moves like: climbing, manting, and zip line. The Advanced moves are important and very special to the game because with these moves, the terrorist group don't know what hit them. Just to name a few like: Drop Attack, when you can zip line and land on top of the person without setting the alarm, Rappelling while shooting, Hanging while shooting, and my favorite is Split Jump Shooting. Grabbing the person has been 50-50, to say the lease. This is why this game makes you think because you got to make the right decisions and if you make the right decision, good things will happen like: when you grab the person, you can do four things. 1. Knock him out, silently, 2. interrogating the person, 3. Forced cooperation on the person, and 4. uses him as a human shield. You will still take damage, but not as much. It has a new feature for the SC-20K (weapon). This weapon has a feature called a Multipurpose Lanucher were you can choose between 7 sub-weapons or gadgets. They are: Ring Airfoil Projectile, Sticky Camera, Sticky Shocker, Distraction Camera, Gas Grenade, Flashbang, and Chaff Grenade.

There's more in the game but I'm going to explain one weakness to the game and that's when you uses the SC-20K while using your binoculars to get a much better shot on the enemy, you get a sense of being mistreated. Let me explain.

If you go to any level in the game and you walk slowly to the next room, you spot a terrorist staring towards the front. In other words, the terrorist is looking right at you, but your not spotted yet. Here's the sad part. When you draw your SC-20K and your binoculars, the camera shakes and your accuracy decreases. If you try to shoot the terrorist, you'll miss every time and the mission will be over or you set off the first alert.

This is my review on this game and out of 0 to 10, My rating on this game is a 9 because it's a game that will keep you busy until Metal Gear 3 comes out and even if it has one weakness, it's still a great game.

If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me.

Undertaker55 was spoken. Good Day.
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