If you've never seen the original
2 August 2004
I'm writing as a person who has never seen the original, so i cant compare it with the original but I thought it was pretty terrific movie. I cant say it's my favorite performance of Denzels but Liev Shrieber was great. It was a very intense movie about a mothers obsessive pursuit to put her son in the white house. A global technology center implants mind control devices into an entire military platoon to make them believe that one of there own (Shaw) had been a hero in times of trouble. Even Shaw himself is brainwashed into believing it. But the human mind prevails in the form of a R.E.M cycle. Only two members of the platoon are left alive to tell the tale- The Cptn. and Shaw- and it seems that The captains days are numbered The story unravels in a fast past mind blowing pace. I thought it was a great movie- I have never seen the original so am judging the movie by itself. It WAS a bit graphic in some parts so the emotional movie goer may want to give it a second thought or wait till it comes out on video but for those of you with a passion for thrilling dramas- this may be a great movie for you.
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