George Shrinks (2000–2003)
Utterly enjoyable
16 June 2004
Started watching this one in the mornings with my daughter this past year and it's one of the few cartoons I find really enjoyable (that we can both watch). No product placements, no card games to buy, nothing along those lines, nor is it too adult/deep for her 11 years. The art direction is superb... sort of a 30's California-suburbia (yes, I know, that's an anachronism) feel. The parents are a mix of style, elegance (of a sort) and goofiness that we both find amusing and appealing, while George and Becky have a unique friendship that avoids a lot of the boy/girl clichés. By this I mean that there are often situations where George finds he needs Becky's help, given his stature. The majority of the time, however, George's quick thinking turns an otherwise potentially bad situation into a happy ending for all involved. On the whole, it's easily digestible, gorgeous eye-candy, good for some laughs, and leaves you wanting more. My only complaint is not with the cartoon, but the network that airs it where we live... we need more episodes... you're starting to repeat.
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