Speak louder, please
24 September 2004
People often wonder why citizens of others nations don't like America. They think that we are envious or selfish or not understanding or simply prone to hatred. They say that we should hold ourselves fortunate because they saved us from the Germans. Not from the Nazis, though, since a few studies show how private interests (such as the Bush family's, among others) were pretty friendly with the bad guys in those times. But what went wrong with the Germans, after all? Look at them now, there are pretty decent guys in fact. What went wrong is that they happened to find themselves in such a political and social crisis, that when a loony with a lot of 'good ideas' took over the power, they just followed. His ideas were great. Hitler fought unemployment, he created housing and wealth, build amazing Autostrasse, offered free education to the youth… And in order to boost the economy, he went into massive colonialist war. 80 million smart people followed him, without a second thought. Sixty years later, beyond the Atlantic ocean, we have a very similar settings. A loony is promising jobs and wealth, advocating the virtues of Christianity, and even promising that he'll take care of our retarded kids. The price to pay is the same: massive colonialist pseudo- righteous wars. 300 millions people follow without a second thought… It is not about the Americans. We've got nothing against them. They're pretty decent guys after all.

Freedom a speech is a wonderful liberty, but is there much more than half a dozen guys that make proper and decent use of it? Michael Moore does, as well as Mike, Mikey, Mickey and a couples clone of M.Moore. Anybody else has got something to say? Speak louder, please, we can't hear you.
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