Reminded who was at fault.
29 June 2004
Given the number of comments, it seems pretty much everything has been said. Moore's latest effort, while important, is not flawless. He occasionally fell into hyperbolic rhetoric and the amount of time lingered over Lila Lipscomb's grief bordered on exploitation. Still, there was no arguing many of the facts. The plight of the African-American Coalition was exasperating and amusing, pointing out just how many wealthy middle-aged white males consistently hold the reins of power. As I was leaving the theatre one of the patron made the point that the Bush Administration wasn't only at fault, the American people shared the blame. My initial response was the typical "Yeah, they voted him into office.";however, before the comment was finished it dawned on me that Al Gore received the popular vote! Our fault lies in not being more outraged. Why haven't the people called for the elimination of the outdated Electoral College? Why are we allowing the continuation of the Primaries, which in a matter of weeks give voters no real choices? Why do we keep putting these monied politicos in office; individuals who'll complain and bluster about an opposing party until it's time to do something meaningful(A-A Coalition, voting against the Patriot Act, putting there own children in the military)? We accept a mainstream media that is so afraid of losing access to the White House they'll refuse to report anything controversial, but parrot Administration rhetoric. We got plenty on Bill Clinton's sexual liaisons, even an impeachment, yet Bush Saudi connections, or the Bin Laden family exodus barely caused a blip on the radar screens. Moore's film and views are important; after all we have been constantly bombarded by the conservative opinions of the Drudges, Rush Limbaughs, and President Bush himself. Fahrenheit 9/11 starts to balance the scales with the facts.
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