Another Successful Upbeat Romantic Comedy
9 January 2004
So, if you are looking for a movie like The Pianist or The English Patient, this is not the movie to see. It is by no means intellectually taxing or cinematic excellence, but then again it doesn't try to be. If you seek a fun, upbeat romantic comedy that can serve as an hour and a fifty minute distraction from reality I reccomend this film. Chasing Liberty is amusing and funny and the young stars are successfully endearing. Audiences will not walk out of the theater intellectually lightened but that is not the movie's intention. After viewing the movie you'll feel optimistic and light-hearted. Matthew Goode and Mandy Moore are both adorable as rebellious teens. Basically, go to see Chasing Liberty if you want a small morsel to make you temporarily blissful and please do not hold up to standards you know it couldn't meet, which is why these romantic comedies get such low scores. This movie should be accepted for what it is, a typical romantic comedy, not an Oscar contender but a guilty pleasure that may end up on my DVD shelf to cheer me up and laugh when I'm having a bad day. Give it a chance, you may like it!

The title of it and the premise may make it sound like an annoying chick flick geared toward teenyboppers (which is partly what it is) and I did have some hesitation going to see it.

Three words: go see it! It's funny, romantic and sweet without being too sappy. It's one of the best new romantic comedies out this season! The audience who I was with laughed several times, but the great thing is that it didn't resort to toilet-humor, sex-related jokes or slapstick humor to be funny. I can't really even figure out why it got a PG-13 rating, except for the brief nudity, I'd recommend it to pre-teens, even though the best audiences would be teenage girls. The casting choices are perfect and everyone in the movie performed wonderfully. Even the actors/actresses who had smaller parts, like James Foster, the overprotective president dad and Cynthia, are great in their parts. I predict this may be a hit-no I'm not saying it's Citizen Kane or The African Queen. . .it won't win any Academy Awards or end up in the top 250, but if you want to have a ball at the movies, I recommend it!
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