Why not a circle or a triangle? A video sketchbook?
2 May 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Caution *** If I had a clue what this movie was about, I'd know if any of what I'm about to say contains spoilers ***

I'm not at all sure WHAT the filmmaker was trying to say with this short. The title seems to be no help. It seemed to be more of a video sketchbook than a complete film. There were lots of interesting plot points but no cogent plot.

Phillip is a sculptor. His abstract art centers on rectangles, his answer to the square.

He's married to Dede but it looks like they'll be separating (at least Dede says as much when asked by her father)

Her father is an aging doctor who's now retired and an invalid. He's had to have throat surgery of some type and talks with one of those hand held synthesizers. Perhaps also a stroke as he's unable to get around unassisted even with a walker and he doesn't recall that he's been married. (He was four times)

It seems Dede is in town to see her dad and relieve the home health worker (who she finds out is stealing from her dad)

She leaves Phillip at the motel where he meets Keith. Keith and Phillip talk a bit, hit the motel bar and then go back to Phillip and Dede's room where they hold an impromptu wrestling match with a bag of pot as the prize.

While Dede calls the bank to see how much the health care guy has stolen, Philip and Keith get high on the pot. There are some interested glances exchanged between the men but I wasn't sure if there was a sexual vibe between them or what.

Apparently Dede decides not to fire the health worker about the stealing but does say that there will be some changes. At the end she returns to the motel and the couple talk (but don't kiss) both agreeing that they've had a weird day.

As if I were looking at an artist's sketchbook, I'm not sure what any of it means. But there are definite points of interest.

Oh yes, there's a toy robot.
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