Terry West said that he rushed this into production.
14 August 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Some mild spoilers

Really, I never would have guessed. You can not take a movie very seriously when you are expected to believe that cheap tape that is not even tight to the girl's skin could hold her down when she is being assaulted. There are flashes of fun and a good looking assortment of girls, but overall this is a dull, forgettable movie. Misty Mundae does not do well as a goody-goody who is easily shocked. She seems more at home in the last scene where she gets to play the bad girl. Kelli Summers and Barbara Joyce are a nice study in bad line reading. They are wooden, speaking their lines as if from a card. Darian Caine is the devil. The only girl that seems to be having fun and is fun in turn is Ruby Larocca. She makes the movie as the oversexed bad girl. For some reason there are long shots of the outside of the school in black and white, unnecessarily padding an already seeminly long feature. If you get the DVD, the behind the scenes documentary is a lot more fun than the movie, as is the preview. Blood For The Muse is the double feature, it manages to be even worse then this movie.
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