A zany, original sitcom variety show that is often charming.
23 February 2003
Sometimes, the makers of "The Sean Cullen Show" try too hard to be zany and original but that's part of it's charm. It's characters include an evil Jezebel(Fau Froc) and her henchman Sasquatch who seek Sean's destruction, an Harriet Nelson mother-next-door type(Betty) and her animal-like son Sonny, two audience commentators(ala Muppet Show) and a cellar-dweller named Winston. The story lines are secondary to the music, sight gags and Sean Cullen's characterizations. Cullen's is a heavy weight contender in Canadian satire and I hope CBC has the good sense to keep him on the air for a long time as he's an ambassador for Canadian pop culture as well as quickly becoming an important fixture in the same.
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