Review of Returner

Returner (2002)
More Style Than Substance - But Man, Such Great STYLE!
17 October 2003
"Returner" isn't going to be remembered for it's story. It won't be remembered for it's dramatic value. It probably won't even be remembered for the cool characters. Nope, instead whenever the average moviegoer thinks of "Returner" all they'll remember is the action scenes and how awesome Takeshi Kaneshiro looks in Matrix-wear.

But first things first. There's a movie somewhere inside of these slo-mo shootouts, and it's a fairly decent one at that.

In the future, humanity is being devastated by the Daggra, a nigh-unstoppable alien race. A young girl, the "Returner" of the title, manages to make a jump back in time to October, 2002 and an attempt to figure out just how the alien menace began.

Turns out the Yakuza have taken a stray Daggra baby hostage (for some reason or another). A huge fleet of Daggra ships are on the way to Earth to pick up their little lost lamb. So the girl must find a way to get the alien baby back home before some Japanese mafia guys send it back home in pieces. This is where Kaneshiro's cool assassin guy comes into play. I won't tell you anymore, except for this - I loved the ending. I didn't see it coming from a mile away, and how it brings everything full-circle is excellent.

As for the action scenes, the matrix comparisons are unavoidable... Although in Returner they're done imaginatively enough to retain some freshness. I have to say this - the scene where Millie tosses a mug of water into the air, freezes time and catches the falling water in the mug is still one of the most impressive special effects I've ever seen in my life.

In the end, if you want an action/sci-fi movie that's mainstream, but offbeat enough to keep a unique identity, then go with "Returner". It's highly enjoyable, and just as highly recommended.
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