One of the Best Movies I have ever seen
10 September 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I have seen many movies I thought I loved, but nothing has quite touched me like this film did. The film grabs you on many levels - it occasionally makes you laugh, certainly makes you think (a refreshing change in view of usual Hollywood fare) and unless you have a heart of stone, is likely to make you want to cry as well. The bitter/sweet ending is a true choker - my throat ached with pent-up emotion (I refuse to cry in cinemas!).

The script is wonderful, imaginative and joyously original. Kaufmann must surely nab the 2005 Oscar for this fine feat. The direction was slick and yet subtle when required, coping admirably with a convoluted plot and fractured, non-linear narrative style.

The acting was admirable, although with such marvelous material to work with it would have been a giant effort in itself to screw up too much here. Dunst and Rufalo were engaging in the film's key subplot, but the film truly belongs to Carrey and Winslet as the lovers who are at pains to forget each other though at such great pain to themselves. (SPOILER) The denouement when they agree to try again, even though they are confused, in turmoil, but needing each other so desperately, even with the uncertain knowledge that their love is probably doomed, and doomed to be doomed again and again, is truly wonderful, achingly beautiful and acted with such vivid emotion - Winslet is especially impressive.

This film deserves academy awards, so hopefully it will be re-released nearer nomination time. It is countless times better than most of the dross which passes for reasonable viewing these days. It stays with you, keeps you thinking, challenges and inspires.
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