Strangeheart (2003)
12 May 2003
This film was the funniest and most surreal thing I have seen in years. When William Wallace is having a dream sequence there is actually a sheep in a purple teddy, a pink boa, and a sheep's mask on. Wallace peels the sheep's mask back to see the sheep underneath. I laughed so hard I start hyperventilating. It helps if you have seen Braveheart since it is a spoof of that film, but it is still funny if you haven't. I really like the fact that it was a spoof that was done respectfully. You could tell that the film makers weren't poking fun at Mel Gibson or making the Braveheart out to be a bad film, they were just having fun with a different perspective of the William Wallace legend. It really reminded me of the Holy Grail. This movie really needs to be seen by everyone. You will either absolutely love, it like I did, or you will hate it.
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