...they know not what they do
10 April 2004
Just watched the film but have chosen not to vote as I am not sure how to judge this film certainly not on entertainment value. I find the whole Jewish issue interesting as the film merley kept to the original text so if Gibson had changed the film then he would be rewriting the bible also without the jewish mob scene the film really would not make much sense. The film was very well made apart from two things which distracted me, the first is that there is no real content to the film Jesus life is told in small fragmented flash backs other than that the entire film revolves around the torture and death of Jesus there really is no more to it than that which leads me to ask what was the point in making the film other than Gibson sitting at home trying to think up the most controversial idea possible which would generate a hell of a lot of money well I dont think he could have come up with anything more controversial than the death of Christ. The second problem of the film is that something like this should not have well known actors as they take away from the roles they are playing through past roles, so why was Monica Belluci in this film. Her top lip is so much bigger than her bottom lip that she looks like she has had botox which does not tie in well with the time of the film that and the fact that everytime I saw her I thought of the matrix, so why use her she really does not fit into this film apart from in a cliched way of having a pretty face as some sort of heroin of the story. I suggest watching it for yourself and not to be distracted by reviews and enjoy the film, perhaps enjoy is not the right word...
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