Troy (2004)
I liked it more than I thought I would. It won me over.
4 June 2004
This is a hard film to judge and from many of the comments and reviews I have read I know I am not alone. I went into the movie on a lark, expecting I probably would not like it. Some of the lines are bad and they could have been easily corrected. Bloom is miscast, though I do not think he does that bad of job. Pitt always surprises me -- I expected not to like him or take him seriously, yet I was impressed. As far as the story, yes a lot of little things are wrong, but I think they got the big things right. So powerful is the myth that it comes across effortlessly (everything seems to be scaled up from Homer by a factor of 10.) The pacing is solid, the action sequences are superb, and Bana, what can one say? Almost

steals the show, he does, no mean feat given the actors he is up against. As of this movie, he is a major star. And Diane Kruger as Helen is just gorgeous. In the words of one critic, she

might not have launched a thousand ships, but easily a few hundred. In short, the film works. I can understand why some people didn't like it, but on the whole I definitely think it is worth a look. You might be pleasantly surprised.
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