Very Well Done Movie of the Week
18 May 2003
I was thrilled when they were going to air this movie. Yes, I do agree it basically was the E! True Hollywood Story of a few years ago, but it was exceptionally well done nonetheless.

The acting was good on all parts. I was a little annoyed by the actor who played Don Knotts/Mr.Furley but other than that all of the other actors were more than outstanding in their roles.

The few problems I had with the show other than the above mentioned Don Knotts actor were these: Richard Kline/Larry Dallas not even mentioned. Did they think no one would notice this, or did they just have too much already and could not figure out how to place him in any of it. He was missed.

I also had quarks with the set as well, and the scenes where the Suzanne Somers character complained that her "Tag-On" scenes were just four lines. Recent episodes on Nick-at-Nite that have re-run show that they were NEVER that short.

And the shot of the final episode being taped. Teri Never wore her nurses uniform in the final Three's Company episode. That was way too cheesy.

Other than that it was nicely handeled and I liked that it showed Alan Hamel and the producers of the show to be more of the villains than Suzanne Somers.

One final thought. And this goes back to one of my quirks with the actual show. Will anyone ever really acknowledge that Ann Wedgeworth/Lana Shields was ever on the show?????? I know she was only on for maybe half a season but jeez-louise. Give a older lady/tramp a break. Long Live Lana!!!!!!!!!!!!
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