Review of Justice

Justice (2003)
Compact film packs a punch
26 March 2004
Drew, a comic strip writer in NYC, still grieving over the death of a friend in 9/11, gets his publisher to agree to a limited run of "Justice". He finds someone in a pick-up basketball game who fits the type for this comic book about an ordinary person who is a hero - but doesn't get around to getting his permission to use background materials. (background biography, images, etc) which puts Drew in a less-than-ideal situation. Although this is resolved, Drew seems more focused on the character of "Justice" to be dealing out retribution to evil-doers rather than just helping people. This is at odds with the person "Justice" is based on, and disturbs the writer when the more benevolent views surface in a Village Voice article. The "spunky" journalist helps Drew see that however great his grief, life must go on.

Brilliant, concise film with an ending twist you may not see coming . ..
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