chinese teenagers seem more interesting than the usa's
11 March 2003
Some people might argue that a plot like this one has been told thousands of times, especially in the usa cinema. A group of teenagers and their first love stories. How original, isn't it? However, that is precisely the difference: this movie has not been made by north americans and has not any resemblance with their "guidelines" when it comes to make a movie about teenagers. Contrary to the american movies the main characters happen to be likeable. The film is entertaining, funny and well done. It will make you think about when you were in your late teens and you will look at it with a bit of nostalgia. I am not saying that this is a great movie but the point I want to make is that it is refreshing to see nice movies like this told in a diferent way where you sympathise with the characters and far from the known usa formula. There is not doubt the asian cinema (china-japan-korea-taiwan) is doing better and better in all genres. 6 out of 10
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