At least SEPTEMBER is a good month. SPOILERS!!
26 October 2002
Warning: Spoilers

Tighter than the first one, true, but not nearly half as entertaining. Timing is stiff and slow, gags thin and spare, and over all disjointed and dull. Did like the voyeur character and his crib, a detail really poorly developed, let alone the potentially really creepy red bikini femme Abbott & Costello team next door and the creepy old leering woman on the bench outside. The 1920's design for the key cover girl ghost was a neat touch, but again woefully under developed and thus goes out with a whimper. This ends with the one character I like tossed away like a Kleenex while the two characters I found progressively annoying stroll away into the cemetery sunset. Does it sound like I'm going to recommend it?
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