A Decent Event Film
15 August 2003
Basically I'm going to say what most people will say. If you go in with expectations for a B horror film with blood, breasts, and bad dialogue, then you won't be dissapointed. Horror movies, for the most part, have been the low denominator in the popcorn film genre. It's something to see if your bored and have nothing better to do. Since "Scream", 90% of mainstream horror films don't carry themselves to be as serious as they did back in the 80's, and this movie definitely is that. It knows its target audience, it knows what they want to see, and it delivers in spades. If you want to know if you'll like the movie, just as yourself if you like the last "Nightmare" or "13th" movie. if you did, chances are you'll like this. Personally, I'm lukewarm on it. Some slashers films can be real fun, some such. For me, Freddy Vs. Jason walked a thin between the two. The basic plot actually isn't too bad, and for the most part the dialogue is tolerable (i.e., bad but not terrible). Expect the typical characters and plot developements, so on and so forth. It, as always, becomes tiresome, but it's not a severity, at least not this time around. The carnage was great. Lots of classic hacks and decapitations, but some more gruesome and cool ones too. The film, as one would expect, draws a lot of the fun from just seeing the two icons on screen. I don't think main characters of movie franchises (no matter how low on the echelon) have ever crossed paths before, at least in this medium. If you're not a fan, you have to admit it's kind of cool to see these two duking it out.

it's horror. Some despise, some love it, I'm usually in between. This is a summer popcorn/horror film to the fullest, and I thought it was a pretty good time. It's not amazing, but nobody thought it would be. At the end of it all, it could have been a whole lot worse.


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