When Harry Met Bad Reviews
7 December 2003
Few films live up to their title the way "Dumb and Dumberer" has. Consider this movie to be the god-father of the seven Police Academy movies, four Lepracaun movies, and every other nostalgic movie that had a s***ty sequel. With problems like the original cast being gone, the 1986 setting in the movie being non-existant, and jokes that lead no place you'd swear that most scenes were comprised of auto-biographies about the Director, Troy Miller's real life. Troy, we understand that it takes a special kind of person to make a movie this bad, I'm just guessing that your Dad got you the Director job or there was some sort of affirmative action scheme in Hollywood involved.

After seeing this movie, you'll hate the original even, which makes one wonder why the film ever got past the cutting room floor in the first place. The reason: money. The plot is simple, Harry and Lloyd are in high school and their prinicple has staged a special education class in a scheme to make easy money. From here you're treated to 80 minute of toture that contains more bad jokes than a late night marathon of America's Funniest Home Videos.

Not surprisingly, Bob Saget's in the movie. Ironically, Bob says the only funny joke in the movie, comprising of him repeatedly screaming a four letter word that could easily sum up the movie. I'll give you a hint, it rhymes with "hit". Beyond that, every one-liner and gag you see in the movie comes across like a bad "yo-mama" joke. I'm surprised they didn't use the "yo mama so stupid, she returned a donut to the shop cuz it had a hole in it" line.

Nothing from the original is incorporated into the prequel, except for a few jokes that Jim Carrey did that his inferior counterpart attempts to redo. As stated earlier, the film takes place in 1986, yet the settings are more bland than a packet of 3 year-old Tang. Worse still, unlike the original movie, the ending is incredibly predictable. Even more odd, why the hell does the school only have about 7 students that are continually shown throughout the film.

Watching the movie will sap creative ideas out of you, as we're starting to notice while writing this review. To put it plain and simple, this movie just sucks. We didn't even watch all of the ending.
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