Gorgeous piece of film
4 April 2004
Went to watch this one last night at VUE. Had my worries about it, and thought it might turn out to be one of those cr@ppie chick flicks that only fem-neds (see Edinburgh glossary on the the Internet) would go and see.

I was VERY pleasantly surprised by this emotion-packed film that portrays the hurt and suffering that so many of us go through when we loose someone that we love.

Some of the quick wit is brilliantly put across and the acting as a whole is top notch.

Both me and my boyfriend have added this movie to our, 'must be bought on DVD' lists. I plan on taking my sister to see it in a few days time.

Hope you found this useful! 8 flaps outta 10! FrozenDreamer xxx (PS: The cute Polish boy helped as well! CHECK OUT THE ARMS!!!)
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