"The plays the thing, wherein we'll catch the conscience of the King"
24 April 2003
Beginning with a request to stage a play with a cast including that of the outcast Brahmin brother of the high priest after a 7 year drought and ending with said play, Agni Varsha is a splendid Bollywood production where numerous motifs thread in and out of the story, having for me, anyway, a decidedly Shakespearean flavor. Elements of Romeo and Juliet, the thought that "the fault is not in the stars but in ourselves" and other Shakespearean themes perfuse the story(ies). But as Goethe said, "Everything's been thought of before; the trouble is to think of it again." Whether the thoughts first came in Indian literature or Shakespeare is irrelevant.

It's sometimes difficult for me to get into a film when I'm at a low energy level, but this film's energy buoyed me right along. There's nothing like a good Bollywood musical to take your mind of trivial worries of the day:)
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