Don't expect Kurosawa
20 December 2003
`The Last Samurai' (2003/Edward Zwick) *** out of ****

`If you spent your whole life looking for the perfect bloom, it would not be a wasted life'- Katsumoto (Ken Watanabe)

The quote that I mentioned above is one of the many memorable quotes said by Ken Watanabe in the film `The Last Samurai'. The film stars Tom Cruise as a Civil Veteran who is fighting personal demons within himself. He gets an offer from a Japanese official to train the Emperor's modern army, and to help wipe out the remaining Samurai, who hold on to the traditionalism of ancient Japan. After the first battle, Cruise is captured and forced to live with the Samurai for a few months. During this time, he comes to realize what is important in life, and who he should be supporting.

For me, this film was the most anticipated film that I wanted to see this year, next to `Kill Bill'. And I am sad to say that I am somewhat disappointed. I was filled with mixed emotions as I walked out of the theater into the rainy reality. I was hoping this film would be a major Oscar contender, but I don't think it is worthy of any nominations. Cruise's performance was good, but not worthy of a nomination. The cinematography and score, however, were very well done. The directing (Zwick won Best Director at the National Board of Review), was good, but nothing spectacular. The best actor in the movie is not Cruise, but Ken Watanabe, who plays the Samurai who takes Cruise under his wing. He gives a great performance. In my opinion, the film sold its soul to Hollywood with the ending, but the final battle was surprisingly emotional and the film should have left it at that. But instead, it was longer than it should have been.

The parts of the film that take place in the Samurai village are by far the best parts. And the use of rain and the sun rising and setting are artful additions to the film's quality. But when the story focuses back on `civilization', that is when the film gets a little dull. It has a few ‘Kurosawa' moments, but don't go in expecting `The Seven Samurai' or `Yojimbo'. Instead, expect a cross between `Dances With Wolves' and `The Patriot'.

The film's themes are what really interested me. My knowledge of Japanese History is limited, but I am led to believe that the ‘way of the Samurai' was in fact the way of life in Japan for a long time…until the mid 1800's, when this takes place. The film portrays the end of an era. The ending of a way of life, known as the Samurai. The ancient battle between traditionalism and secularism. The film asks the question: Is change always a good thing?

The film has ambition and contains some greatness, but much to my dismay, I did not find it to be the best film of the year which I had hoped it would be. But, it was a worthy effort and I recommend it.

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