Wicker Park (2004)
Great film, superb suspense but as said takes a while to get going
19 September 2004
Hi I am only 15 and I thought this film was great. Although as stated above it does take a while to get going. As said I'm only 15 and I understood the plot so for you dummies who say you got confused you might want to pay attention. It's as if someone has written a clever story, cut it up and then mixed all the pieces around.

As someone said the only possible floor is the fact that a simple mobile phone (cell phone) wasn't used is quite annoying. However I don't have a mobile and I am at the peak age for having one. Not all people have them and it is not necessary for everyone to have them. Plus for the amount of near misses that occur during the film. Especially the scene at the end with the engaged phone etc then it is highly likely that something would have happened to stop them getting in contact via mobile phone (cell phone) anyway. That is another good point I thought you Americans could put people on hold. Rather than getting engaged. Surely if this is true. Matthew could have talked to Lisa when talking to Alex etc.

Although this film isn't really targeted at my age group (well apart from the appearance of Josh Hartnett for the girls) I still thoroughly enjoyed it and so did the three girls who were with me. Who being honest aren't exactly very clever and yet TWO of which understood it fully. So don't make excuses for your lack of attention and understanding, this film is fantastic.

Best film since I Robot definitely maybe better. I Like they way that both are mystical and yet have no floors.

Recommendation - go and see this film, would love to watch again. Along the lines of Bourne Identity and The Matrix. That took a long time to get going and yet that is one of the most celebrated films ever.

Rating: 8-9/10
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