Mr. Ice Cream Man (1996 Video)
Ice Cream, Ice picks, Poptarts: My childhood as a fat black kid.
11 July 2003
Some people have taken offense at the many references in this film to the stupid fat black kid, but I grew up as a stupid fat black kid and so I felt this film was a lesson in realism for all fat black kids (like myself). I really related to this kid the whole way through. But how could I not??? THIS MOVIE HAS IT ALL! I thought Friday the 13th part VII was good but BOY was I in for a shock! This is by far the greatest horror film of all time! Evil DeadII hath no competition for this FEATURE FILM. The cinematography: ruled. The acting: superb. The writing: intriguing. Buy this film. Own this DVD. Steal this VHS anything to get your hands on the glorious, soon to be sequeled, Mr. Ice Cream Man. You'll never eat a poptart the same way again.
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