Freaky Friday (2003)
Terrific Teen Movie. (Minor Spoilers)
6 April 2004
Warning: Spoilers
A high-strung mom and her punky daughter learn what it's like to walk in each other's shoes -- literally -- in Disney's second update of their 1977 teen fantasy comedy. The new-millennium Freaky Friday has disgruntled teen Anna Coleman (Lindsay Lohan) living, sans father, with her uptight therapist-author mom Tess (Jamie Lee Curtis) and bratty brother Harry (Ryan Malgarini). The angst between the two reaches a fever pitch on the eve of Tess' wedding rehearsal: Anna wants to ditch the proceedings for an all-important band audition, but Tess sees the conflict as a show of resentment toward imminent step-dad Ryan (Mark Harmon). When the whole clan goes out to dinner at their favorite Chinese restaurant, their sage waitress (Lucille Soong) picks up on the tension between the mother and daughter and casts a spell on them via two magic fortune cookies. The next day, Tess and Anna must put up with life in each other's bodies -- until, as the fortune says, they can come to a greater understanding of one another. For a teen movie, this is a very good movie, which technically is a updated version of Freaky Friday with Lindsay Lohan taking over the Jodie Foster character and the mom this time played Jamie Lee Curtis. Thanks to these 2 performances, this film gets to live up to it's reputation because this film isn't just funny and dramatic(even though it's chock full of that), it is also sweet and touching. One of the honorable mentions of 2003, definitely the best teen film of the year. Freaky Friday isn't your average teen/remake film, although it's been said before that it's full of been-done-before jokes, I saw past this and I think that the film is great in showing how anyone can learn to understand, sounds cheesy I know! All of the characters each have something different about them, Annabel just wants a normal life, Tess just wants to understand Annabel etc., all adding to the film. I think that Freaky Friday is a different, twisted thought on the lives of teenagers and family life, switching bodies, showing most of them as wanting a normal life and being punkers, and it shows this in such a different and unique way! Lindsay Lohan has a great voice and is also a great actress, she brings charm and sass to the role of Annabel much like Jodie Foster did in the original movie. Also another one to mention would be Jamie Lee Curtis, she was excellent and sassy as Annabel's mother. Anyways, it's a quirky, colorful remake and I recommend it to anybody who is in a quirky mood! 7/10
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