Excellent film, although not profound
10 June 2003
2 Fast 2 Furious is the perfect early summer diversion. The movie has no real depth and the plot isn't exactly what one would call "complex". However, anybody who goes to see this movie hoping for good drama is on a fool's errand. This movie is about fast cars, action, and beautiful girls. It delivers the goods. Whether or not you are impressed with the acting, I can't imagine people saying they were not immensely entertained. Paul Walker's character Brian O'Connor is recruited by the cops for a special mission. Using his impeccable drag racing skills, he is to infiltrate the money-laundering world of villain Carter Verone. Walker is joined on his quest by boyhood pal Roman Pearce and a Customs Agent played by Eva Mendes. As fate would have it, Verone needs an excellent driver to make a money run for him. O'Connor and Pearce display their skills in a "test" where they race several other drivers to obtain a cigar Verone has hidden in a car.

After they prove themselves, they are hired for the job. At this point, the movie just roars to its conclusion with breathtaking chase scenes and fights. I especially loved the moment in the final scene where O'Connor and Pearce have their drag-racing subculture buddies pull out of a garage and cause all sorts of confusion for the police. In conclusion, this movie is excellent. It's a very well-done, highly stylish no-brainer action picture. I thoroughly enjoyed it as it was one of the first movies in sometime to live up to the hype. 3.5 stars out of 4.
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