Underworld (2003)
For what it's worth, not bad.
24 October 2003
Personally, i thought this movie could have been much better, as do the majority of people who commented here, but basically, for what it's worth it was a good action flick.

I had some plot troubles.

*Here be spoliers*

Such as why didn't the wolves use the UV bullets more often? You never see them get used, only see them put into the guns. Also, the vampires themselves reminded me of decandant children who's parents are away for the weekend and they're throwing a goth party... Gee, that's a sight to inspire terror.

The acting of the hero(?) Was good, and i'm not talking about Selene, i'm talking about Micheal, i think this was his first movie? But it was good, and in regards to the main comment about this movie, LICHEN are moss, and Lychan are not. Put's the movie in a completely wrong state of mind for people who going to see this.

If you're going to see this movie, then don't expect lots of deep introspective scenes, accept it for what it is. A hollywoods director chance to make money by cashing in on the Matrix and Blade, after all, this movie is little more than a mixture of them both surely.

There were a few problems in the beginning, i firstly thought "Bland bland bland" and then started to like it. I loved the wolves, thought they were interesting, and the directors even tried to make the vampires more human by *only* drinking Animal blood, but then again, guess that didn't work in the case of Selene's family huh? I'm guessing with all the effects from the wolves the directors didn't have much money left over to change the vampires! But it was a good change, they at least got the teeth right...

But in general, i liked the story. It could have been SOOOO much better, but it was a good story line i think, secondly, i think the acting, while slightly over done in several cases *coughVICTORcough* it was good. The main characters were good and convinced me that they earned their salary, considering the story they had to deal with they should off. And finally, all that science stuff, call me a skeptic but tracing a pure family line from over 1400 YEARS ago? Slightly hard.

But i enjoyed it, would recommend it to those kids who have goth inspirations, and more importantly, would tell them not to expect the matrix with fangs, or blade with bullet time. It tries to be one or the other, but it doesn't quite meet it...

I liked it, shame that's as far as my emotions strech for it. Would be interesting to see how Underworld2 comes out and Micheal fully in his power...
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