American Idol (2002– )
Painful to watch
8 August 2002
I've been watching this show since it first came out. First I was just curious to see what "talent" they actually found out there. It was funny to see how bad some of them were, and those "I'm cool" outfits. Nobody seems to write their own music. (Where are the Debbie Gibson's of the world??) Then week by week you get caught up in certain singers, wanting them to succeed to the next show.

Gone last night was Christina who was VERY beautiful and talented. Now they're down to the final 5(RJ, Justin, Kelly, Tamira, and Niki). Like Simon says RJ looks like a guy right out of a boyband without much talent. Kelly has a good voice but no personality to give her an edge. Niki has no real voice and how she's made it this long is a mystery. I guess the little girls who vote like her bad girl look. The only ones who deserves to win are crazy hair Justin with great voice and personality and cute Tamira with her killer voice.

I really don't expect to see any REAL star come out of this show. The MAJOR difference between this show and the original show from the UK is that almost EVERYONE in the UK watched the show and only about small amount of viewers are watching the US show. That is why Will Young(UK Idol's winner) has become such a BIG hit over in the UK and Europe. Without all that TV exposure, our winner will find it harder to hit the charts.

Still it plays like a bad soap but I just can't turn away......
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