Review of The Guys

The Guys (2002)
anyone can be fearless, it's being afraid, and doing it anyway that makes you brave.
9 September 2003
I didn't know what to expect from this movie when I sat down to watch it. I certainly didn't expect to cry.

It's a very touching, and extraordinarily realistic, and poigniant journey through the weeks after 9/11 from the eyes of a fire captain, and the writer helping him write the eulogy's for 8 of his men. It's not over dramatised, I half expected to see Oliver Stone style cutting and splicing of real 9/11 films. I was glad to see there wasn't.

What struck me most about this movie was the realism of it. Not just how realistically the actors portrayed their parts, but how real those parts were. The characters were NOT 3 dimentional, they were just plain real. From the way Nick sort of grumbles before reading aloud, to Joans visit to her local firehouse, it was all so real.

Maybe it is because most of the men in my family have been firefighters, maybe because I am a writer, and couldn't be there that day, I really don't know...

I don't know if this film will hit home to you. It is not an action movie, you will not see any blood, or gore, in fact, the cast is pretty slim, and there are only a handful of locations. There are no elaborate flashback sequences. There is not a single denouncement of terrorists, or Afghani's.

If your looking for a movie like that, go get rambo 2... But if you want something to remind you of just how human you are, how human we all are, then maybe this is right for you. This is not a war movie, it is not a disaster film. It is a film about remembering the dead, and continuing to live ourselves.
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