Review of Crank Yankers

Crank Yankers (2002–2022)
I actually agree with Dootus
12 May 2003
This is by far the worst show on Comedy Central! Why must they torture us with these stupid shows??!!! Air the early episodes of "Mystery Science Theater 3000" if you want to redeem yourself, Comedy Central! Anyway, the plot is just STUPID. I actually watched an episode last night because I didn't want to write a comment until I'd seen a whole episode, and it stunk!!! It's all about these stupid ugly puppets. I mean, are the calls supposed to be real or what??? I'm serious! When I-know-care-who was calling a Spanish guy, and talking about car crashes, was that suppossed to be a prank??!!! There isn't even a plot!! A stupid hillbilly wanting to serve in the Peace Corps? IT'S NOT FUNNY!!! The media should bring back "Muppets Tonight" which was a GREAT puppet show. Anyway, this piece of rubbage gets a big 2/10. Please, get rid of this, "Happy Trigger TV" and "South Park"! They all stink!!
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