Final Fantasy X-2 (2003 Video Game)
Almost the weakest of the series
25 December 2003
First off let me say that Final Fantasy X is my favorite game out of the series, so naturally I had high hopes for X-2. Those hopes were shot down once I started playing the game. Once I'd seen the opening cut scene I knew this game wasn't going to be good.

I'm not a fan of JPOP or any other kind of pop. Which means the music sucked. Most of the area background music sounded like 70's porn music or just some 70's sitcom show. Either way the music part of the game went back in time. The 70's sound to the game did not fit at all.

I loved the battle system in 10. The sphere grid was one of my favorite things in the FF series. This dress sphere thing was crap. It was more or less the job class system from the past FF games just retooled a little. I hated the job class system and I hate the dress spheres.

None of the character were likeable in this one. What little characters that returned from 10 were given different stories or just dumbed down a lot. One instance is Wakka and Lulu having a baby. Wakka and Lulu having a baby? Come on. The game designers could have thought of a better way to have them back.

Most of the Final Fantasies I've played have been really linear. Which worked for them. X-2 is the first game to take away the linear gameplay and add a non-linear game style. The non linear part almost killed the game by itself. This game could be called Final Fantasy: Sidequest. What seems like 85% of the game is sidequest and mini games. Mini games are ok, but this game goes overboard with them.

There are hotspots you can go through to progress the story. That way you can avoid all the boring pointless sidequest, but if you do ignore them it takes away from your completed percentage. This game is almost one big mini game with a little story thrown in here and there.

The character of Paine is a pointless attempt to have a bad ass character in the game. Most of the time the bad ass character are great. She is not. The little things that are good about the game are the jump function. I thought that was put in nicely. Also when fighting you can move around any where on the screen. Thats cool.

If you're looking for a good hardcore Final Fantasy this overly cute game is not for you.
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