Let's Give It a Chance
12 December 2003
I liked the original Battlestar Galactica until the stories got too ridiculous (cylon gunslinger episode jumps to mind here). One must remember that the original series appealed a lot to those who like quick action, comic book shoot'em-ups (I did back then). Carrying the book theme one step further, while the original series was more comic book in tone and storyline, this one by comparison is more like literature: it is far more serious, even dark; has more weight in its complexity and issues it addresses; and tries hard at being more technologically "realistic"; therefore, I think it brings more value to the screen. Understandably, for some the show could get boring because of all that relationship building, touchy-feelie nonsense, but that's the point of story building. If you don't create some interest in the characters, then who gives a damn what happens to them. The show suddenly turns into nothing more than a special effects freak show and that gets boring too. Did we all not take interest when the immortal lines "Luke, I AM your father" were spoken -- character development does that. So I think that people who say they hate this thing should try to take a deep breath, back off a little, and give this show a chance to win you over. We might all get pleasantly surprised -- I hope.
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