What A Waste
11 August 2002
I was born and raised in Vancouver so when I heard about The Real World: Vancouver I was pleasantly surprised. Then I heard that it was to be a movie and not the regular show. The movie sounded like an alright, slightly creepy premise and I thought, hey I'll give it a try.

Well the movie was just bland. There were no unexpected moments at all with the exception of a few twists at the end but even these seemed tacked-on to give the movie a clean ending.

The acting was bad. I spent most of the movie trying to get past the acting to concentrate on what little story there was.

After watching this movie I was left thinking that MTV had made a mistake in using Vancouver as the setting of this movie and that they would have been better off filming an actual Real World season there. It's a great city and it was completely and totally wasted by this movie.
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