Love Actually (2003)
Unwatchable, what is there to like about this movie?
10 May 2004
A bad attempt to use the format of an already bad movie--4

rooms--and "Hollywood" it up with flirting and a feel good dance

around the house scene.

The film is a sequence of failing to be funny funny or dramatic

scenes cut together with no rhyme or reason.

What is dramatic about thinking you are getting a gold locket and

getting a Joni Mitchell CD, then doing nothing about it?

And then the audience is to expect that by putting the locket

receiving mistress in the flat next to the Prime Minister's foul

mouthed office assistant there is some story connection here?

And this assistant, someone that the P.M. realizes on Christmas,

which he, the Prime Minister is spending alone after his

flashdance around the big house, that he is in love with, or has

some attraction to that is not quite clear. Hey wait, Hugh Grant is

the Prime Minister???? So bad it is not even funny!

And a crazy American living in England is really NOT going to loose

her job though she spends the bulk of her work day having

senseless conversations on her cell phone with her institutionalized brother?

Someone stop me, I have had enough! I WANT MY MONEY BACK!
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