13 November 2002
A beautifully convoluted film that explodes the contents of Director Neill Calabro's head across the screen! There are so many elements at work here that it'll make your brain spin and eyes cramp. References include: John Frankenheimer, Rod Serling and Rock band: Golden Earring to name only three of many! Theories abound in this flicker incl. The Screen Actor's Guild may be a government conspiracy, Television is a real world where only the enlightened may dwell and Twilight Zone Creator Rod Serling has been re-incarnated as both Ed Rose and Cultivision's director: Neill Calabro!!! You may already be dead if the performances by Scott Brantley('Ed Rose'), Emmy Collins('The Prophet of TV'), Danny Vinson and Clay Cranford(as insanely delightful brothers) don't move you to peals of astonishing laughter. Contact the director and ask him one or the many questions you'll have after experiencing this far-fetched and fun flapper!
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