Take it from this historian. . .THEY GOT IT RIGHT FOR ONCE!
17 November 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I realize that movies ultimately are for entertainment, and yet as a professor of history, and a writer as well, I do cringe through most movies set in the past, especially when they deal with military themes. In the case of "Master and Commander," however, my hat is off in a salute! Never have I seen a movie that so graphically captures the "feel" of life aboard a ship of the Napoleonic period.

As for the battle sequences, I was stunned. They finally got it right! Naval artillery rounds did not explode in the 18th and early 19th centuries, they are solid shot that shattered whatever they hit. Not to offer a SPOILER here, but the first volley left me gape mouthed and darn near ducking for cover myself it was so well and accurately done. I know because I have fired live artillery rounds, solid shot and canister, from Civil War period cannons and have seen the carnage such weapons, though primitive to our eyes, can create. The entire cast and crew of "Master and Command" deserve three huzzahs for their devotion to accuracy, and also for the presentation of a rousing good tale. They show, as well, that "good history," can indeed sell and I hope it is the beginning of a trend.

Dr. William R. Forstchen Professor of History Montreat College Montreat NC

co-author of "Gettysburg, A Novel of the Civil War"
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