Battery Film (1985)
Bad Student Film
18 October 2002
This is one of the pieces included in the "Treasures of American Film Archives" DVD set. Although it makes the claim, it cannot honestly be called a movie. It is a series of still pictures shot on a winter day at the Battery on lower Manhattan, doubtless intended to evoke some emotion. If it was the intention of the creators of this film to evoke the emotions of puzzlement and boredom, then they have certainly succeeded. This goes on for eight minutes -- nine if you count the minute of credits.

Apparently the creators of this film were so taken with the idea that they did two more like it.

A hint for film makers who are interested in their audience: a movie is not a series of still images. This stuff was boring in the 19th century, when James White used to go around the world photographing the backs of peoples' hats. One would think that in ninety years, aspiring film makers would have learned this lesson. Obviously, they have not. Still, one would expect the knowledgeable people who select the "Treasures of American Film" to know better. Apparently, they do not either. A pity.
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