"Bruce Lee's Legacy Lives On?" Don't be fooled!!!
7 August 2003
This is the first movie where I have actually felt the urge to ask for

my rental money back, and those of you who know me as former IMDB poster

El Buncho know that I am no stranger to bad movies. This film was simply

that bad.

First of all, I rented this because Shannon Lee (Bruce's little girl,

who is now a serious hottie) is top billed and featured on the box.

Sure, she hasn't made any good films yet, but hope springs eternal. She

has talent, but she needs a script! And she really has very little to do

with the film. This is unfortunately a starring vehicle for Robert

Vitelli (who???), a charisma-free void of a non-actor whose martial

skills are marginal at best. Films that purport to be martial arts films

should at least be able to deliver on the butt-kicking, but this will

make the viewer want to do a bit of butt-kicking on their own (directed

at most of the people involved in this mess).

The plot is a convoluted ripoff of "La Femme Nikita" with Vitelli in the

Nikita role, and the incredibly uninvolving story just lurches along

until it reaches a ludicrous twist ending. And we also are treated to

appearances by two Star Trek actors: Michael "Worf" Dorn and the guy who

plays Dr. Phlox on "Enterprise."

And the final kick in the mouth is that this DVD bears the blasphemous

tag-line "Bruce Lee's legacy lives on." I'm not even related to the guy,

and I was offended for the entire Lee family! Avoid this at all costs;

there is simply no entertainment to be found
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